World Leaders Laughing Out Loud?

8 10 2007

What if all the world leaders, started to laugh?

In looking at the suggestions from the “conventional” news and from the “alternative” news, after unhooking from cable TV, suddenly, a creative realization dawned. It came out of nowhere.

I had never thought of anything like this before. I was in the shower, kind of bummed. I tried to laugh but gave up, unlike me. Then I smiled. It worked.

It could be good for people everywhere, and also good for You.

Who knows? It could even get our world leaders to laugh! Why not? And they wouldn’t have to laugh at each other, although that would be better than all this SHOUTING!

You mean, Sugar Station is going to act on a suggestion?

It came from within. It was more an Intuition than a mere suggestion from watching the news on TV, or on the Internet. This feeling, intuition, came out of nowhere, and yet it relates perfectly to the book!

There are many suggestions coming at us every minute. We do not act on all of them, thankfully. We can act on some of them. I see this suggestion not only as having value, but as being worthwhile to share and contribute.

It’s so interesting that we do not have to act on a problem, not right away. The Western world is in a HUGE problem right now. Perhaps it lacks compassion?

I think the art is: to recognize when this wisdom arises. And act upon it.


spoonful of sugar sos-lol?

8 10 2007

Since this is Sugar Station and I’m thinking about Mary Poppins, I wonder if the 3 day lol laff-in would be better named as SOS-LOL (spoonful of sugar laugh out loud), instead of LOL-ABC . Or, ABC-LOL.

Any suggestions?

In case you missed the previous post:

What if there were a period of three days when EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD started to laugh?

Just three days! They could laugh at anyone or anything, but A, B and C can laugh too. And what if whenever anybody thought about anything that worried them, they just laughed! World Leaders, “A” Ahmendinejad, “B” Bush and “C” Cheney are just funny! Look at all the comedy shows around them! Oh those guys just tickles my funny bone sometimes. Ya know.

This is totally harmless, totally peaceful, totally fun. Like Uncle Albert in Mary Poppins!

What an inspiration!




Can you feel it?

I just don’t have the proper name down yet. And it needs a slogan.

Any suggestions?

(Maybe I’m just the one that needs to laugh after reading and seeing all this crapy news!)

And…what is the suggestation? Any?

AND HERE IS one suggestation I don’t mind at all!Β  It’s perfect for Sugar Station too!

“juSt a spOOnfuL of SUGaR maKes the meDicINE go doWn, in a Most deLIGHTful waY –”




Take a minute to guess

8 10 2007

Did you ever see Mary Poppins? Remember the scene where Ed Wynn and Dick Van Dyke are singing along with the two children, “I LOVE TO LAUGH!” And as they laugh and sing, the chairs they are sitting in go higher and higher and all become more and more happy and joyous?

What is the one thing that the President and the Vice President and the other World Leaders do to EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD? What are they really united in doing to everybody?

(Take a minute to guess.)

They make EVERYBODY WORRY! WORRY and worry ABOUT EVERYTHING! (And this is Hurricane Season:) ) What is the one best remedy for worry?


I just realized this.

What if EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD started to laugh?

They could laugh at anyone or anything, but B and C too. And what if whenever anybody thought about B and C, mainly, they just laughed! “B” Bush and “C” Cheney are just funny! And all the other Presidents, even the Dictators! Look at all the comedy shows around these folks! And oh that Mr.Bush just tickles my funny bone sometimes. Ya know.

This is totally harmless, totally peaceful, totally fun. Like Mary Poppins!

There wouldn’t need to be anybody going outside, no marches, no signs and banners, no letters to Congressmen. You could be in your kitchen or at your office, and when you think of “B” and/or “C”, or any other world leader that worries ya, or even any “bad” news event, the Middle East to China, you just laugh. Wherever you are located!

Like Ed Wynn in Mary Poppins!

Remember, Uncle Albert wasn’t laughing when Mary Poppins and the children first arrived, I don’t think. But thought of some jokes, and he got himself laughing. So even if you don’t feel like it, crack a smile, then laugh. Just laugh and laugh and soon you will be laughing.

Okay. What do you when someone lies to you? What do you do when someone calls you names? Fight back? No, no, you could fight back but then people get hurt. No, what really works is this: Laugh At Them. And you don’t have to laugh in their faces, you can laugh in your living room watching television.

(And they will get the message.)

*(And you will FEEL BETTER!)

*(And your weather will IMPROVE, for a few days or even more!)

It doesn’t have to be at your world leaders or robbers or even at “A” (Ahmendinejad, “B”(Bush) “C”(Cheney), it could be at anyone or anything.

Go to bed laughing. Wake up in the morning and start laughing again!

Why worry? Laugh!

And why not call the event, ABC-LOL, or, LOL-ABC?

Yes! WhooHoo!

What an inspiration!


Can you feel it?

(or just worry? worry? worry some more?)

President Bush: “This is no laughing matter.”

Everybody else: HA HA HA HA

President Bush: “I’m the decider. I plan to bomb Iran.”

Everybody else: HA HA HA HA

President Ahmendinejad: “Excuse me? Excuse me? I would like to visit Ground Zero please to lay a wreath?”

President Cheney: “This is matter of the utmost National Security.”


(Heckler: “Yeah, we’ve heard it before! HA HA HA HA!)

President Bush: “I’m serious as all get out. And I am the decider!”



ALL, including the Presidents: HAH HAH HAH! HAH


Check it out. Smile. Think of A, B and C (or anybody else that worries you in the new-old-news, even the radical-radical-radicals, if they worry you more) then LAUGH! You’ll be in great shape for the marvelous, ABC-LOL. Wherever you are located geographically. Whatever your race, creed, country, and so on. I’ll likely be making food or working on my computer, just doing things, AND laughing!

Laugh the worries away! It could even be your landlord! Or parking tickets! Join in the fun on ABC-LOL

If you come across this post, email it someone else “don’t break the chain” of laughter!

It’s a chain laff-in! ABC-LOL!

(so tell me: did ya crack a smile? go for it!)

Who knows? Maybe AB and C will LOL too!

Pakistani Encore!

8 10 2007

She was good, wasn’t she?

Let’s have an encore!

The dance is a mujra from Lahore, Pakistan (rumored to be the new Bollywood?).

Hello? Anyone know this dancer’s name?


A refreshing break from the new-old-news. Not to mention suggestation!


more from chalmers johnson on the collapse

8 10 2007

Okay, most respectfully, I got a bit tired of watching Chalmers Johnson and his conclusions, however esteemed at Berkeley he may have been. And a bit fatigued by anyone else who has a strong point of view, either way.

This Blend is not about convincing anyone of anything. This Blend is a tool for the observation of the self, spelled with a little “s”.

(There is shift from being self conscious around others, and even around the news, to being conscious of self.)

This said, the man’s research is to be considered for his description of what is a Republic and what is an Empire, and investigation.

Is the United States now, in fact, an “Empire?” Or is this a suggestion only from the “alternative” press? Because we sure don’t hear about this in the “conventional” press, not in any considered debate.

In this interview posted on You Tube, Chalmers Johnson travels again through the mass of recent critical science, point by point, in describing his book, Nemesis. I’m posting the following because I like the way this man makes his point here. And he’s not shouting and accusing the Bush Adminstration. (He points out Clinton’s role in all of this too.)

He’s easy and calm and just laying it out, event by event. It’s as if you are having coffee with a historian.

(Which isn’t a bad idea if you sit down to watch this vlog post!)

So sit back for modern his-story-time. And keep one eye on any reactions that may arise in “self”–for or against, good or bad.

This was posted by Jaxmehoff2 , who seems a really sincere guy, October, 2007, and sourced from the University of California Berkeley. It was downloaded from an interview with Harry Kriesler, the affable and informed host of Conversations with History.

(If I hadn’t started this Blend, I never would have heard of Conversations with History. Thanks to You Tube!)

Chalmers Johnson on the Collapse of the American Empire.

Part 2

Part 3

Wasn’t that interesting? You can always go to You Tube for the full 6 Parts. At least, I know how to find it from these bookmarks if I’d like.

Conversations with History continues with Chalmers Johnson. He feels (suggests) that the United States may be too far gone now to avoid bankruptcy. It’s been heading this way since the “selected” President in 2000. Some people will make a lot of money out of it but the country will be bankrupted. He feels (suggests) an “escape route” may be in order for younger Americans now. He himself plans to stay put at 75 with his cat, which is a good idea.

Pay attention to the word “escape,” and any emotional reactions. Β  We each have our own point of view πŸ™‚

Part 6

(No need to get caught in anyone’s conclusions. And if you do, just be aware.)

What’s refreshing–and somewhat exhausting–is the Media has done such a poor job of informing Americans and this scholar has done his homework.

Thank you.

who is chalmers johnson?

8 10 2007

It’s no secret to readers of this Blend (notablog) that I was raised in a very conservative, southern baptist family and play the role of a conservative now.

Also, that this Blend has been more of a place for me to place bookmarks from the internet. It started because I enjoyed watching television a little too much, and was getting a little confused about the reports I was seeing on TV. FOX would say one thing, CNN would say another, PBS yet something else.

I continue to like Bill Moyers because he was also raised in an American church going family and with definate morals, which becomes very clear by checking out one of his broadcasts on PBS. Bill Moyer’s Journal on Friday nights fills in the gap between the “conventional” news (what they are telling us) and the “alternative” news (what they aren’t telling us.).


This Blend began with the Opinion Journal article, Why We Are Winning the War in Iraq, that had been sent to me by a Preacher who is also a dear friend, and then marched on from there to explore the suggestions we receive from all sides, and the nature of suggestion itself.

I remember from college the name Chalmers Johnson. I then associated this name with someone who was important in Washington, and with someone that my Dad, a decorated Commander in the Navy in WW2, didn’t care for one way or the other, at least, the name of “Chalmers” never came up in the family conversation at the dinner table.

I wasn’t sure where to place Chalmers Johnson then, and I’m not sure where to place him now. This is not to say that this man isn’t sincere. He makes his point.

His research seems to be quite sound, as does his reasoning. Although he speaks in a “plain shoe” environment, with limited sets and lighting, he seems a “must view” or a “must read” in these parts of the Internet.

After viewing some clips and listening to what he had to say, the question I began to ask was this: WHAT IS THE ILLUSION?

Is the illusion found in what they are telling us on TV?


Is the illusion found in what they are telling us on the Internet?

This was posted on You Tube from a news show called Democracy Now, February, 2007. Chalmers Johnson’s subject here is the ending of the American Republic.

(Why is the news so confusing…?!?)

It’s hard to know if what this man is saying is true or false, but, “but”, unlike President Bush, at least he not smiling to himself when he makes his delivery. Or making blatant errors in the English language.

This was also posted February, 2008. Here he is introduced as having had been a consultant to the CIA for many years during the Nixon Administration. He talks about the term, “Blowback”.

You don’t have to listen to these clips all the way through, at least, not for this Blend(notablog). Here, it’s more a matter of finding the suggestion active in “self”, spelled with a little “s”. And not to judge the suggestion as good, bad, right or wrong.

No need to let my staying on message interfere with some of the information Chalmers Johnson is providing us. What he says about Googling the plan for a successful Iraq, before the outbreak of the war, is fascinating. Not a single classified source was consulted for this plan, just Google.

Note the threat at the end of having “an escape plan” from this country in case it gets worse.

This is a suggestion. You can tell it’s not a very nice suggestion because there a slight threat concealed in it.

Is this true for you? Or false?

(What am I feeling now?)

There is possibly value in identifying the illusion. If we are to master the fine and subtle art of discernment, there is great value in “seeing” the illusion.

We don’t know yet the illusion.

As others said about President Bush before the invasion of Iraq, What if he’s right?

(Meanwhile, this guy is so serious–along with everybody else–where has my sense of humor gone?Β  Can’t anyone laugh anymore?)

And from wonderful Pakistan?

8 10 2007

In celebration of the time and energy spent on this Blend (notablog) so far, let’s return to the dancers!

Pakistan. One country that starts with a “P” and not an “I.”

As in the word, P-eace.

(go ahead and weep Bollywood! she’s from Lahore, Pakistan!)

Well, OKAY, “weep” but not really. be joyous! look at the fun you are contributing into the world!

You see, People? There are other ways of being with each other on this beautiful planet.

(And if this is a suggestion, I’ll buy it! Some suggestions are quite useful. It all comes down to subtle, frothy feeling in your own body and mind. How does it sit with you? Sugar? or real food?)

One might ask: WHAT AM I FEELING NOW?

Have fun!

graceful exit?

8 10 2007

Is there any such thing as a graceful exit from a Blog? For that matter, a graceful exit from a Blend (notablog)?

I don’t know.

It’s not like writing a book. There is no “end” page.

Besides, I want my sense of humor back.



Thank You

who is seymour hersh?

8 10 2007

Every time breaking news is announced, it seems that a man named “Seymour Hersh” is behind it.

Here’s some recent highlights featuring this Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist. As you possibly sift through these clips, observe what your reactions, if any, might possibly be.

The question here is: Why aren’t there a hundred “Seymour Hersh’s” out there in the news?

What ever happened to the art of Investigative Journalism?

What is the suggestion, evidently active now, that has put the art of Investigative Journalism to sleep?

What is the suggestion that makes “anyone” even care about this?

Wasn’t it Socrates who said, The unexamined life is not worth living?

And Socrates was a pretty smart guy.

(Something to notice while posting: there not one good joke in these people!Β  At least, not when they areΒ  on television.)

reaction, reaction, reaction, response

8 10 2007

Here, at Sugar Station, it doesn’t matter the event, what matters is the reaction to the event. This can also apply to the area of living.

It doesn’t matter what happens to you, what matters is your reaction to what happens to you.

How close, or far, are you from living and being in the present moment, NOW?

We are gradually working are way down to seeing the suggestions as they arise, and living in response.

How about just living?

It could be that living is the highest state of being available to man.

Of course, if folks were worried about health now, or the price of sugar, I’d have my attention on that in this particular Blend. However, it seems that disagreeable news is something that all can agree on as agreeable.

Strange comfort!

My attention is already moving on to something else: scuba, painting, the harley, writing another book.

This has been more or less an on-line clearing house for some of the rather dramatic suggestions that “I’ve” purchased lately, without meaning to, with “my” energy from off of television. I’ve been writing this Blend (notablog) off and on for over one week’s time. Time, that’s something else that is quite valuable!

(Darn that Bill Moyers and his Friday night reports on-line! Unhooking my cable television was of no use.)

So that’s what happened to me this past week! DOH!


It’s living.

Not inert.

Thank you.